After spend very densed time in Japan, I’ll be finally come home.
I realised that keeping the healthy body and mind is very important for longivity … sounded very simple and you think why now? Yes we think we all knew what it means but the question is
Are you really following to what you preached?
Include myself ( oh yes I know we are human beings who sometimes slipped out of what we decided ) the answer is …..🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Allow yourself to be negative Nancy or positive Polly?!
I must admit that I ate soooo much yummy food in Japan as I KNOW that I can realign myself when I back to home and I know that I do commit to what I said. I can say this from my past experience and my past achievements.
And I know how to do it.
I’m here at Happypain to support your decision to be who you want to be and what you wish to achieve.
Untangle yourself program
Starts from 11/11 it runs for 4weeks
We will have heaps of fun and result before Christmas.
I’m thinking about add HIIT class…
Let me know if you wish to discuss about
WHO you want to BE!
Class starts from Monday 4/11
Aerial yoga 5:45pm
Please make a booking