Made some changes
Please check it out and make a booking through booking site. I am controlling the class numbers for our safety and comfort, also avoid over booking and no shows.
Whats new! I added open gym session this class, you are liable during this session as you are doing your own program. ( Disclaimer form to fill ) The participants who has my program, I’ll be liable on your incidents for this session.
Monday open gym, I’m conducting Booty camp class therefore you can come and use gym, but again you are liable your own incident if you are not using my program.
Flying monkey (Bungee cord exercise)
is becoming a regular class!! Wednesday 5pm
Saturday 9:30pm
These classes is only for 5 ppl!
Hurry up! Get your spot!
I am asking full payment before this class as it’s only 5 spots available.
Please let me know
How I can make class table better
What do you want to see on my class time table
I am a blank canvas .
Hope to see you soon
Get excited!!!
Happy as f@ck